Assessment of the Differentiation of Benefits of Using CC in Enterprises Using ELECTRE TRI Methods
[ 1 ] Wydział Techniczny, Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża | [ P ] pracownik
rozdział w monografii naukowej / referat
- Cloud Computing
- advantages
- class
EN The emergence and development of Cloud Computing (CC) provide enterprises with new opportunities in acquiring and using information and communication technologies. Implementing cloud computing can benefit enterprises in several aspects, i.e., strategic, economic, organizational, technological, social, and environmental. To assess the diversity of benefits resulting from using CC in an enterprise, the authors conducted empirical research among enterprises using services available in the CC in their operations. The results were assessed using the ELECTRE TRI, one of the methods from the ELECTRE family included in the Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis group. The final part of the article presents the results of the conducted analysis. The results indicated that the benefits from the organizational aspect were rated the highest. However, in general terms (all benefits), most enterprises belong to classes 1-2 and 2, which indicates that the examined enterprise evaluates the benefits resulting from using CC as low or average.
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